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  • 15 Core Investing Principles That Only the Pros Truly Understand

    15 Core Investing Principles That Only the Pros Truly Understand

    Investing principles are the foundation of success. While various rules, beliefs, and strategies are available, at the core of profitable investing lie key principles that shape habits and routines into a lucrative lifestyle. In times of economic stability, most investments generate positive returns. However, when markets become volatile, adhering to solid investing principles makes all…

  • How to Break Free from the 9 Toxic Middle Class Habits Keeping You Trapped in the Rat Race

    How to Break Free from the 9 Toxic Middle Class Habits Keeping You Trapped in the Rat Race

    The “rat race” refers to the never-ending cycle of working hard to earn money, only to spend it all on an increasingly expensive lifestyle. This leaves many middle class individuals stuck working well into old age just to maintain their lifestyle. In this article, we will highlight the 9 most common middle class financial habits…

  • How I Started My Own Successful Side Hustle After Trying and Avoiding Several Popular But Risky Ones

    How I Started My Own Successful Side Hustle After Trying and Avoiding Several Popular But Risky Ones

    Side hustles are all the rage these days, with many claiming they make easy money through dropshipping, multi-level marketing, day trading and more. However, most of these are not sustainable long-term and could end up costing you. In this article, we will explore the top 7 side hustles to avoid, why they don’t work, and…

  • Norway’s New Trillion Dollar Industry: Opportunity or Crisis?

    Norway’s New Trillion Dollar Industry: Opportunity or Crisis?

    Norway recently uncovered the world’s largest supply of phosphate, a rare material used in fertilizers, batteries, and solar panels. The 77 billion tons discovered could double the global supply and be worth up to $24 trillion. But will this mineral wealth be an economic miracle or curse? Norway is known for its prosperous, well-managed economy.…

  • Uncover the Extraordinary Financial Strategies of the Jewish Community for Enduring Prosperity

    Uncover the Extraordinary Financial Strategies of the Jewish Community for Enduring Prosperity

    Financial success and security often seem elusive in today’s complex economic landscape. However, the Jewish community has navigated the tides of change for centuries by upholding timeless financial wisdom passed down through generations. This wisdom stems from cultural practices, biblical texts, childhood education, and an ethical approach to finance deeply ingrained in their way of…

  • The Forgotten Meaning of Certainty of Law: How Ancient Legal Systems Achieved Long-Term Stability

    The Forgotten Meaning of Certainty of Law: How Ancient Legal Systems Achieved Long-Term Stability

    Stable and predictable legal frameworks are crucial for economic development, as they allow individuals and businesses to plan for the long-term. However, modern legislatures often undermine legal certainty through excessive regulation and frequent changes. By exploring how the ancients conceived of legal certainty, we can relearn the value of stable legal norms that withstand legislative…

  • Biggest Restaurant Chain Bankruptcies of 2023: 15 Chains That Went Bankrupt

    Biggest Restaurant Chain Bankruptcies of 2023: 15 Chains That Went Bankrupt

    Burger King faced more bankruptcies than any other chain in 2023. In the first half of the year, two large Burger King operators and a small franchisee filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, citing rising debt and declining revenues. Meridian Restaurants, Tom’s King, and Restaurant Brand International conducted store closings to restructure. So far in…

  • Key Factors When Buying a Laptop for Work, Gaming or Rendering

    Key Factors When Buying a Laptop for Work, Gaming or Rendering

    Purchasing a new laptop can be an exciting yet daunting task. With so many options and specifications to consider, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. In this guide, we’ll walk through the key factors you need to evaluate when buying a laptop for work, gaming, rendering or music production. Carefully considering these components will help ensure…

  • How to Identify and Let Go of Toxic Friendships for a More Positive Life

    How to Identify and Let Go of Toxic Friendships for a More Positive Life

    Friendships are meant to enrich our lives, but some people can actually have the opposite effect. While ending a friendship is difficult, surrounding yourself with positive people is crucial for your emotional health and happiness. This article explores 10 types of toxic friends to consider letting go of. Your social circle plays a significant role…

  • The Secret Behind Global Brands, Memorable Experiences, and Personal Growth

    The Secret Behind Global Brands, Memorable Experiences, and Personal Growth

    Value creation is a multifaceted concept that fuels business success, shapes personal choices, and transforms products into meaningful experiences. When an item or service resonates with an individual’s desires, needs and preferences, value is created. This goes beyond transactions – it’s about crafting experiences that enhance lives, spark joy and satisfy needs. Understanding the art…

  • How to Stop Wealth Erosion and Create Intergenerational Riches: 7 Assets That Hold Value Through the Ages

    How to Stop Wealth Erosion and Create Intergenerational Riches: 7 Assets That Hold Value Through the Ages

    Money loses value over time due to inflation. While the numbers in your bank account may grow from interest, the purchasing power declines. Keeping all your cash in a savings account can burn a hole in your pocket. This article reveals 7 assets that can preserve wealth across generations. Read on to learn how to…

  • The Story Behind Twilio’s Epic Rise and Fall – What’s Next for the Fallen OTP Giant?

    The Story Behind Twilio’s Epic Rise and Fall – What’s Next for the Fallen OTP Giant?

    One-time passcodes (OTPs) are now a standard part of our digital lives. We rely on these pesky but essential 6-digit codes to enable two-factor authentication and secure our online accounts. While most of us take OTPs for granted, they represent a massive industry supporting several tech titans. Of course, you have Google’s Identity Platform and…

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